Play the consent game

You tell someone you want to kiss them.

Click below to find out what your answer means

That’s an enthusiastic yes.

That’s a no, because it sounds like there is hesitation. Even if in the dictionary the words mean yes, we have to listen to how they are said too. Consent always needs an enthusiastic yes.

It’s a no. Consent is something that must be ongoing meaning that people have the right to change their mind at any point and that always has to be respected.  If at any point your partner’s body language changes do a check-in. They may want to stop and that is okay.

That’s a no because it isn’t an enthusiastic yes. If someone isn’t sure we don’t get to pressure them to say yes. Consent requires free will. Always respect and honour their answer.

It’s a no, because that’s not an enthusiastic yes. Could someone say this with different tones and change the meaning? It’s possible, but even if they say maybe in a playful voice, we’d want to check-in to make sure we are understanding them correctly. If it’s not a clear yes, it counts as a no. 

It’s a no, because that’s not an enthusiastic yes. Maybe they do mean later (you’d have to ask again later), but maybe they mean no and don’t feel comfortable saying it assertively. Either way it’s definitely not a yes. 

That’s a no, because it sounds like there is hesitation. Consent always needs an enthusiastic yes.

That’s a clear no and we always need to respect it.

It’s a no, because that’s not an enthusiastic yes. Maybe they do mean later (you’d have to ask again later), but maybe they mean no and don’t feel comfortable saying it assertively. Either way it’s definitely not a yes.

That’s a no, because it sounds like there is hesitation. Even if in the dictionary the word means yes, we have to listen to how they are said too. Consent always needs an enthusiastic yes.

That’s an enthusiastic yes.

That’s an enthusiastic yes.

Depends on how it is said! Uh-huh is often a way of saying no but sometimes it can be said in a way that means yes. When in doubt, check-in to make sure you understand them correctly. If you don’t know the answer, then the answer counts as a no. 

That’s a no, because it sounds like there is hesitation. Consent always needs an enthusiastic yes.

That’s an enthusiastic yes.


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