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Question Of The Week

Parents, how would you respond if your child asked you this question?

It’s so important that we as parents aren’t shying away from these kinds of questions, but instead diving into conversations like these that will equip and empower our kids to have healthy, safe and respectful relationships, both now and in the future.

Here are 3 simple keys to get you started in answering some of the more challenging questions your kids ask.

  • Always listen and respond from a position of empathyis this question coming from a place of worry, fear or anxiety? Has something happened in your child’s world that has provoked this question?
  • Be intentional in allowing the time to answer; in the busyness of life, it’s important to allocate time and space to be intentional and thorough instead of rushing our responses to the more challenging questions.
  • Be prepared; one of the best things you can do for your child is to know your stuff. Make sure you have reliable research and information up your sleeve to draw on when your child approaches you with questions in this space. Be aware of the potential struggles and challenges your child might have at this time in their development.



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