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Meeting Teens in their confusion

There is so much confusion for young people when it comes to obtaining information on love, sex, dating and intimacy. A clip posted by Roosh V has recently received some negative attention for his extreme misogynistic views. While we watched the short youtube clip there was a temptation to laugh.. is this real? It almost seems fictional! Amongst his 36 points on ‘what’s wrong with American women’ are the following;

  1. They are fat.
  2. They don't know how to cook.
  3. They wear flip flops even when they aren’t at the beach.
  4. They acquire pets, instead of putting in the work to land a quality man.
  5. They make lame excuses for not putting effort into their appearance.
  6. They rarely wear high heels.

Of course, this is no laughing matter and yes- people like this really do exist!!! The extremity of his opinions feature just one of the many confusing and damaging messages that can be bombarding young people every single day. We believe that every young person deserves and desperately craves healthy conversations around the topics of sex, dating and relationships. Unfortunately in the void of such conversations we see young people finding misleading and damaging information.

Over the next few weeks, we will provide some basic points of discussion that you as parents can be having with your children around these very important topics. If we, as parents aren’t taking bold and deliberate steps in the sexual and relationship mentoring of our children, unfortunately, others will take our place.



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